Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration |
10.9.69 12.10.82 | 14.14.98 12.8.80 | 11.11.77 18.17.125 | 18.14.122 19.13.127 | 18.14.122 8.9.57 | 13.10.88 9.14.68 | 17.16.118 11.10.76 | 12.12.84 10.5.65 | (bits) | (no units) | ||||
1 | Dracmarcz Chris McArthur | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
2.088 | 10.520 | 72-55-0 | -7.246 0.451 |
2 | Teddles Ted Szyszka | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.850) 0.766 |
2.082 | 10.292 | 72-48-0 | -2.504 0.455 |
3 | Rourke Darren O'Shaughnessy | (0.390) 0.287 |
(0.760) 0.604 |
(0.360) 0.356 |
(0.670) -0.599 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.810) 0.696 |
2.414 | 10.068 | 72-46-2 | -3.133 0.457 |
4 | Summer Judy Stewart | (0.200) 0.678 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.800) -1.322 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.200) -1.322 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
0.554 | 9.916 | 72-50-4 | 8.833 0.453 |
5 | Gillie17 Gillian Dite | (0.350) 0.379 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
2.912 | 9.604 | 72-48-0 | 0.901 0.458 |
6 | Fizzoes Timothy Kay | (No Tip) 0.000 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
0.531 | 9.210 | 71-48-0 | -3.322 0.459 |
7 | Mitchpower Mitchell Bileckyj | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.750) -1.000 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.850) 0.766 |
2.409 | 9.210 | 72-48-1 | 5.440 0.455 |
8 | Bookieodds AutoTipper | (0.354) 0.369 |
(0.720) 0.525 |
(0.296) 0.493 |
(0.660) -0.555 |
(0.670) 0.423 |
(0.660) 0.400 |
(0.464) -0.107 |
(0.748) 0.581 |
2.129 | 8.898 | 72-45-3 | -2.076 0.460 |
9 | Uey Simon Ustick | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.520) -0.059 |
(0.750) -1.000 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.620) 0.310 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
1.871 | 8.816 | 72-49-0 | 0.953 0.461 |
10 | Kiwi Stephen Bethune | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
2.883 | 8.682 | 40-24-12 | -4.233 0.431 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
11 | Broomboy Kurt Andrew Gleich | (0.350) 0.379 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.300) -0.737 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
1.918 | 8.675 | 72-44-7 | -2.023 0.463 |
12 | Oddsball John van der Touw | (0.380) 0.310 |
(0.680) 0.444 |
(0.320) 0.444 |
(0.720) -0.837 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.680) 0.444 |
(0.490) -0.029 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
1.939 | 8.668 | 72-49-0 | -0.081 0.464 |
13 | Weighted AutoTipper | (0.343) 0.394 |
(0.708) 0.502 |
(0.374) 0.324 |
(0.634) -0.451 |
(0.626) 0.324 |
(0.650) 0.378 |
(0.439) -0.189 |
(0.689) 0.463 |
1.745 | 8.373 | 72-49-0 | -4.039 0.462 |
14 | Dave David Powell | (0.420) 0.214 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.580) -0.252 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.420) -0.252 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
1.801 | 8.268 | 72-47-8 | -2.176 0.463 |
15 | Prob_king_2001 Adam Stacey | (No Tip) 0.000 |
(No Tip) 0.000 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
0.694 | 8.244 | 70-39-18 | -3.005 0.461 |
16 | Minuteman Richard Fisher | (0.290) 0.506 |
(0.720) 0.526 |
(0.330) 0.422 |
(0.780) -1.184 |
(0.680) 0.444 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.460) -0.120 |
(0.840) 0.748 |
1.827 | 8.237 | 72-46-0 | 0.972 0.465 |
17 | Whosonfirst Joe Viskic | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
2.730 | 8.207 | 72-39-13 | 0.661 0.465 |
18 | Raecher Kevin Korb | (0.347) 0.385 |
(0.701) 0.487 |
(0.313) 0.458 |
(0.659) -0.552 |
(0.655) 0.390 |
(0.663) 0.407 |
(0.464) -0.108 |
(0.743) 0.571 |
2.039 | 8.170 | 72-44-2 | -2.052 0.465 |
19 | Kanga Robert Birks | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.330) 0.422 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.720) 0.526 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.670) 0.422 |
1.738 | 8.167 | 72-44-8 | -1.782 0.464 |
20 | Goose Andrew Ganderton | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
1.616 | 7.875 | 71-46-3 | -1.597 0.465 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
21 | Torst Torsten Seemann | (0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
1.895 | 7.739 | 72-41-15 | -4.275 0.466 |
22 | Ajh John Hurst | (0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.550) -0.152 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
1.754 | 7.594 | 70-47-0 | -4.051 0.466 |
23 | 2001_a_stace_odyssey Adam Stacey | (No Tip) 0.000 |
(No Tip) 0.000 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
0.857 | 7.392 | 70-42-9 | -1.346 0.466 |
24 | Benno Ben Dodman | No tips for this round | 7.314 | 64-43-0 | -2.074 0.464 |
25 | Iguana Ian Grundy | (0.330) 0.422 |
(0.730) 0.546 |
(0.380) 0.310 |
(0.560) -0.184 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.730) 0.546 |
(0.530) 0.084 |
(0.710) 0.506 |
2.493 | 7.304 | 72-44-2 | -1.793 0.469 |
26 | Whale Jason R Hammond | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.350) -0.515 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
1.501 | 7.300 | 72-46-0 | -2.106 0.469 |
27 | Gazza David L. Dowe | (0.377) 0.318 |
(0.686) 0.457 |
(0.327) 0.428 |
(0.635) -0.456 |
(0.644) 0.366 |
(0.635) 0.346 |
(0.470) -0.090 |
(0.710) 0.506 |
1.876 | 7.285 | 72-45-3 | -3.809 0.468 |
28 | Gabnet Gabriel Burman | (0.225) 0.632 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.805) -1.358 |
(0.625) 0.322 |
(0.685) 0.454 |
(0.655) 0.390 |
(0.775) 0.632 |
2.335 | 7.235 | 72-50-0 | 4.738 0.467 |
29 | Kanga2 Robert Birks | (0.345) 0.390 |
(0.712) 0.510 |
(0.287) 0.512 |
(0.639) -0.470 |
(0.607) 0.280 |
(0.654) 0.387 |
(0.460) -0.120 |
(0.709) 0.504 |
1.992 | 7.192 | 61-37-2 | -1.318 0.463 |
30 | Eddies_pies G.P.Benjamin | (0.450) 0.138 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
-0.232 | 7.171 | 70-49-1 | -1.472 0.468 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
31 | Christ Greg Collie | (0.330) 0.422 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.270) 0.546 |
(0.660) -0.556 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.610) 0.287 |
(0.420) -0.252 |
(0.760) 0.604 |
1.808 | 6.960 | 64-41-1 | 0.387 0.467 |
32 | Asanque Dennis Tuan-Mu | (0.450) 0.138 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.450) 0.138 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
0.535 | 6.930 | 55-38-0 | -2.541 0.462 |
33 | Sylvesterjr michael derlacki | (0.350) 0.379 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
1.859 | 6.775 | 72-48-0 | -3.627 0.471 |
34 | Portly Daryl Stevenson | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
1.519 | 6.701 | 72-50-0 | -0.974 0.470 |
35 | The_hillman Adam Stacey | (No Tip) 0.000 |
(No Tip) 0.000 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
0.331 | 6.517 | 70-33-23 | -0.166 0.472 |
36 | Bobbee Robert Bywater | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
1.764 | 6.457 | 72-49-0 | -3.275 0.472 |
37 | Basilren Basil Ren | (0.330) 0.422 |
(0.960) 0.941 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.550) -0.152 |
(0.850) 0.766 |
(0.530) 0.084 |
(0.580) 0.214 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
3.439 | 6.431 | 56-35-2 | 3.848 0.472 |
38 | Stickleback François "The Frenchie" Debroux | (No Tip) 0.000 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
1.942 | 6.115 | 71-35-18 | 0.027 0.475 |
39 | Ztu Stuart Stevenson | (0.450) 0.138 |
(0.810) 0.696 |
(0.450) 0.138 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
1.440 | 6.087 | 64-42-0 | 2.309 0.466 |
40 | Barry15 Barry Thompson | (0.380) 0.310 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.410) 0.239 |
(0.740) -0.943 |
(0.660) 0.401 |
(0.780) 0.642 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.760) 0.604 |
1.308 | 6.011 | 72-45-2 | 2.663 0.471 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
41 | Coondog Brendan Cooney | (0.490) 0.029 |
(0.540) 0.111 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.450) 0.138 |
(0.510) 0.029 |
(0.520) 0.057 |
(0.470) -0.089 |
(0.530) 0.084 |
0.942 | 5.929 | 72-50-1 | -3.172 0.475 |
42 | Corr Marcus Orr | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.300) -0.737 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
0.720 | 5.875 | 48-25-15 | -2.661 0.464 |
43 | Wyatt Gareth Prosser | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
1.603 | 5.866 | 72-32-29 | -2.770 0.475 |
44 | Spacelord P.Champ | (0.220) 0.642 |
(0.850) 0.766 |
(0.310) 0.465 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.660) 0.401 |
(0.790) 0.660 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.860) 0.782 |
4.300 | 5.860 | 72-47-3 | 9.040 0.473 |
45 | Blendelo3 AutoTipper | (0.355) 0.368 |
(0.718) 0.522 |
(0.297) 0.492 |
(0.657) -0.544 |
(0.668) 0.417 |
(0.658) 0.397 |
(0.463) -0.111 |
(0.746) 0.577 |
2.119 | 5.832 | 72-39-10 | -0.250 0.475 |
46 | Go_katz John Andressen | (0.450) 0.138 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.550) -0.152 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
1.201 | 5.824 | 72-48-1 | 0.413 0.473 |
47 | Burls Ryan Burley | (0.450) 0.138 |
(0.950) 0.926 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.250) -1.000 |
(0.850) 0.766 |
1.174 | 5.784 | 55-26-14 | 8.101 0.479 |
48 | Imagine David Mapletoft | (0.360) 0.356 |
(0.640) 0.356 |
(0.410) 0.239 |
(0.530) -0.089 |
(0.530) 0.084 |
(0.620) 0.310 |
(0.460) -0.120 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
1.399 | 5.713 | 72-46-1 | -2.442 0.476 |
49 | Collywobbles Colin Easton | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
1.205 | 5.695 | 72-45-4 | 0.817 0.476 |
50 | Hawks2001 Mike Woolley | (0.350) 0.379 |
(0.850) 0.766 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.550) -0.152 |
(0.900) 0.848 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
2.915 | 5.639 | 72-44-0 | 3.300 0.474 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
51 | Tomb Thomas Bunston | No tips for this round | 5.576 | 64-42-0 | 0.113 0.473 |
52 | Msfooty cynleen kai | (0.520) -0.059 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.450) 0.138 |
(0.550) -0.152 |
(0.520) 0.057 |
(0.520) 0.057 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
0.404 | 5.458 | 72-43-0 | -1.108 0.480 |
53 | A1 Dale Rankin | (0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
0.433 | 5.442 | 72-33-23 | -0.593 0.478 |
54 | Tj Tony Jansen | (0.500) 0.000 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.300) -0.737 |
(0.900) 0.848 |
2.479 | 5.404 | 72-40-9 | 4.363 0.480 |
55 | Heathmc Heath Chick | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
2.514 | 5.303 | 72-39-7 | 1.350 0.480 |
56 | The_kiwi Stephen Bethune | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.900) 0.848 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
3.116 | 5.223 | 70-26-34 | 4.138 0.476 |
57 | Cooler Peter Jing Tan | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.350) -0.515 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
2.017 | 4.965 | 51-31-2 | 3.604 0.474 |
58 | Chuckster David R. Wood | (0.350) 0.379 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.450) 0.138 |
(0.550) -0.152 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
1.625 | 4.931 | 55-36-4 | -3.146 0.474 |
59 | Slingshot Chris Ling | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
2.254 | 4.902 | 72-51-0 | 9.164 0.474 |
60 | Chessmaster2001 Tim E. Runting | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.511) -0.032 |
(0.589) -0.282 |
(0.578) 0.209 |
(0.522) 0.063 |
(0.489) -0.032 |
(0.533) 0.093 |
0.766 | 4.665 | 63-39-0 | -2.957 0.479 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
61 | Swampygezza Gerald Little | (0.290) 0.506 |
(0.710) 0.506 |
(0.290) 0.506 |
(0.710) -0.786 |
(0.290) -0.786 |
(0.710) 0.506 |
(0.290) -0.786 |
(0.710) 0.506 |
0.172 | 4.632 | 72-47-0 | 5.271 0.480 |
62 | Clubsoda Chris Schultz | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.850) 0.766 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
2.241 | 4.624 | 72-43-0 | 6.582 0.484 |
63 | Annn Ann Nicholson | (0.430) 0.189 |
(0.530) 0.084 |
(0.420) 0.214 |
(0.560) -0.184 |
(0.530) 0.084 |
(0.440) -0.184 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
0.603 | 4.612 | 72-46-0 | -2.491 0.482 |
64 | Ac Andrew Cochrane | (0.450) 0.138 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.150) 0.766 |
(0.550) -0.152 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
1.427 | 4.600 | 72-43-3 | -0.566 0.482 |
65 | Jezoliver Jeremy Oliver | (0.350) 0.379 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
1.272 | 4.467 | 72-47-0 | -1.191 0.481 |
66 | Neb Ben Van den Eynde | No tips for this round | 4.338 | 48-35-1 | -2.201 0.474 |
67 | Ladderrank AutoTipper | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.625) 0.322 |
(0.375) 0.322 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.471) -0.087 |
(0.583) 0.222 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
1.398 | 4.277 | 72-30-26 | -0.669 0.483 |
68 | Andy Andrew Powell | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.450) 0.138 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
1.598 | 4.259 | 72-43-0 | 2.455 0.484 |
69 | Mightycrows Peter J. Moulder | (0.600) -0.322 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.350) -0.515 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
0.007 | 4.152 | 72-42-0 | -0.018 0.484 |
70 | Peterah Peter Hawting | (0.450) 0.138 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.450) 0.138 |
(0.580) -0.252 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
0.421 | 4.099 | 72-40-16 | -2.010 0.483 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
71 | Duffer Mark Duffett | (0.200) 0.678 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.800) -1.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
1.595 | 4.072 | 72-47-0 | 6.927 0.482 |
72 | Originalelo Kevin Korb | (0.284) 0.518 |
(0.548) 0.132 |
(0.472) 0.079 |
(0.663) -0.569 |
(0.528) 0.079 |
(0.702) 0.490 |
(0.472) -0.083 |
(0.709) 0.504 |
1.149 | 3.882 | 72-42-1 | -0.136 0.485 |
73 | The_jeff_meister Jeff | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.350) -0.515 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
1.287 | 3.815 | 72-40-10 | 1.126 0.487 |
74 | Robf Rob Farley | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.550) -0.152 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
1.549 | 3.810 | 72-46-0 | 1.205 0.485 |
75 | Oddsball2 John van der Touw | No tips for this round | 3.766 | 48-34-0 | 2.253 0.476 |
76 | Bighead Farshid Vahid | No tips for this round | 3.734 | 56-35-6 | -1.455 0.479 |
77 | Tiger Vithiya Visagathilagar | (0.600) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
0.476 | 3.709 | 59-36-0 | 3.148 0.486 |
78 | Mino Paul Cowan | (0.450) 0.138 |
(0.625) 0.322 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.525) -0.074 |
(0.575) 0.202 |
(0.575) 0.202 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
1.394 | 3.631 | 72-46-0 | -0.913 0.486 |
79 | Spidergirl_rickchick Spidergirl RiCkChiCk | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.490) -0.029 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
1.462 | 3.620 | 72-42-0 | -0.311 0.486 |
80 | Bradman Steve Harris | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.510) 0.029 |
(0.490) 0.029 |
(0.510) -0.029 |
(0.200) -1.322 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.490) -0.029 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
-0.312 | 3.618 | 62-41-0 | 1.238 0.483 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
81 | Woolycrow Geoff Wooldridge | (0.600) -0.322 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.150) 0.766 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.350) -0.515 |
(0.250) -1.000 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
0.449 | 3.357 | 71-37-3 | 5.741 0.491 |
82 | Colossus Colin Elstub | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.450) 0.138 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
2.021 | 3.217 | 16-12-1 | -1.693 0.444 |
83 | Golden Paul Ewert | (0.425) 0.202 |
(0.530) 0.084 |
(0.390) 0.287 |
(0.505) -0.014 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.350) -0.515 |
(0.670) 0.422 |
0.992 | 3.150 | 55-35-4 | -1.364 0.483 |
84 | Bmc1979 Brian Carr | (0.380) 0.310 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.560) -0.184 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.440) -0.184 |
(0.560) 0.163 |
(0.540) 0.111 |
(0.640) 0.356 |
0.436 | 2.920 | 64-38-0 | 0.662 0.488 |
85 | Rocketrob Robert J Jamieson | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
0.794 | 2.916 | 64-41-0 | 1.826 0.484 |
86 | Dcw Damon Welsford | (0.200) 0.678 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.800) -1.322 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
2.884 | 2.884 | 8-7-0 | -0.930 0.393 |
87 | Chickenshabby Jason Kohlmorgen | (0.800) -1.322 |
(0.780) 0.642 |
(0.050) 0.926 |
(0.590) -0.286 |
(0.950) 0.926 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.780) 0.642 |
(0.950) 0.926 |
2.831 | 2.831 | 8-6-0 | 0.157 0.417 |
88 | Deano dean saunders | (0.450) 0.138 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.430) -0.218 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
1.583 | 2.804 | 54-14-35 | 1.579 0.488 |
89 | Alix Lionel Nichols | No tips for this round | 2.725 | 8-5-2 | -0.617 0.415 |
90 | Snowman Jason Gray | No tips for this round | 2.706 | 31-20-1 | -1.124 0.477 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
91 | Savage Henry Vera | (0.450) 0.138 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.150) 0.766 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.740) 0.566 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
3.081 | 2.666 | 72-41-0 | 10.466 0.488 |
92 | Toe Alan Burton | No tips for this round | 2.534 | 48-32-0 | 1.450 0.484 |
93 | Poodlehead Marc Lubin | No tips for this round | 2.482 | 16-9-1 | -0.090 0.470 |
94 | Borgning Andrew Choo | No tips for this round | 2.444 | 8-6-0 | 0.804 0.441 |
95 | Johnno John Peters | (0.250) 0.585 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.750) -1.000 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
2.548 | 2.346 | 72-47-0 | 8.716 0.489 |
96 | Belial2 Michael Gibson | No tips for this round | 2.343 | 32-19-5 | -1.784 0.482 |
97 | Dougie Brett Douglas | No tips for this round | 2.275 | 8-5-0 | -0.504 0.443 |
98 | Supafreak Quynh Nguyen | (0.555) -0.168 |
(0.599) 0.261 |
(0.401) 0.261 |
(0.599) -0.318 |
(0.489) -0.032 |
(0.599) 0.261 |
(0.699) 0.483 |
(0.555) 0.151 |
0.897 | 2.147 | 71-43-0 | 3.718 0.491 |
99 | Flaming_feather Bernd "Bernie" Meyer | (0.288) 0.510 |
(0.746) 0.577 |
(0.364) 0.348 |
(0.706) -0.765 |
(0.594) 0.249 |
(0.796) 0.671 |
(0.545) 0.124 |
(0.753) 0.590 |
2.305 | 2.130 | 72-40-4 | 5.562 0.492 |
100 | Nicko nicholas ardley | No tips for this round | 2.017 | 16-10-0 | 1.837 0.482 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
101 | Pokey Geoff James | (0.550) -0.152 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.250) 0.585 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.460) -0.120 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.350) -0.515 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
0.081 | 1.872 | 71-39-0 | 5.069 0.489 |
102 | Bigfella Jason Gray | No tips for this round | 1.864 | 32-20-0 | -0.984 0.488 |
103 | Webbo Kirk Webster | No tips for this round | 1.801 | 8-6-0 | -1.159 0.450 |
104 | Mlloyd18 Bill Kazanis | No tips for this round | 1.794 | 8-6-0 | -0.133 0.452 |
105 | Steve_loffler Steven Loffler | No tips for this round | 1.732 | 8-6-0 | -1.364 0.451 |
106 | Elohomeaway AutoTipper | (0.359) 0.359 |
(0.568) 0.184 |
(0.324) 0.435 |
(0.413) 0.231 |
(0.410) -0.285 |
(0.533) 0.092 |
(0.331) -0.594 |
(0.571) 0.191 |
0.614 | 1.675 | 72-36-6 | 0.530 0.496 |
107 | Go Graham Oppy | (0.477) 0.065 |
(0.533) 0.092 |
(0.477) 0.065 |
(0.523) -0.068 |
(0.523) 0.065 |
(0.523) 0.065 |
(0.523) 0.065 |
(0.523) 0.065 |
0.414 | 1.528 | 56-37-0 | -1.344 0.495 |
108 | Jamie Jamie Scuglia | (0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
1.242 | 1.353 | 72-43-0 | 3.394 0.497 |
109 | Emha Emily Harris | No tips for this round | 1.350 | 7-5-0 | 0.271 0.469 |
110 | L Leo Keith | No tips for this round | 1.349 | 8-6-0 | -0.529 0.474 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
111 | Bordy Bill Leighton | (0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
0.000 | 1.327 | 64-6-56 | 0.587 0.498 |
112 | Clag Lloyd Stagg | (0.550) -0.152 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
1.776 | 1.170 | 62-35-0 | 6.743 0.500 |
113 | Bazza Barry Parsons | No tips for this round | 1.144 | 16-4-10 | 0.667 0.498 |
114 | Appsy Rob Apps | No tips for this round | 1.104 | 8-5-0 | 0.899 0.497 |
115 | Wnhbc Johan Schmidt | (0.600) -0.322 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
0.232 | 1.066 | 23-8-7 | 1.106 0.498 |
116 | Flaming_ostrich Bernd "Bernie" Meyer | (0.326) 0.431 |
(0.744) 0.574 |
(0.388) 0.292 |
(0.792) -1.267 |
(0.591) 0.241 |
(0.827) 0.726 |
(0.603) 0.269 |
(0.774) 0.631 |
1.897 | 0.980 | 72-40-4 | 7.732 0.496 |
117 | Pauld Paul Davey | (0.260) 0.566 |
(0.740) 0.566 |
(0.260) 0.566 |
(0.740) -0.943 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.740) 0.566 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.740) 0.566 |
1.885 | 0.935 | 16-8-4 | 1.225 0.495 |
118 | Ya70 Yudi Agusta | (0.400) 0.263 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.550) -0.152 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.350) -0.515 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
1.133 | 0.868 | 56-34-0 | 1.190 0.498 |
119 | Kingroo Doug Hamilton | No tips for this round | 0.861 | 48-27-0 | 1.540 0.500 |
120 | Efab eddie budas | (0.250) 0.585 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.350) 0.379 |
(0.650) -0.515 |
(0.450) -0.152 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.850) 0.766 |
1.922 | 0.774 | 56-33-0 | 3.949 0.498 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
121 | Terry Terry Lam | No tips for this round | 0.678 | 8-1-7 | -0.400 0.506 |
122 | Sven Wendy Li | No tips for this round | 0.632 | 45-26-0 | 2.856 0.501 |
123 | Marko mark gannon | (0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
0.619 | 0.619 | 16-2-13 | -0.283 0.504 |
124 | Rodo Rodney O'Donnell | No tips for this round | 0.597 | 38-15-11 | 3.602 0.502 |
125 | Farmboy Lam Phuong Lam | No tips for this round | 0.578 | 48-26-0 | 5.319 0.506 |
126 | Patto Andrew Patterson | No tips for this round | 0.497 | 4-3-0 | -0.254 0.527 |
127 | Spirois Steven P | (0.110) 0.832 |
(0.890) 0.832 |
(0.110) 0.832 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.890) 0.832 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
3.795 | 0.472 | 64-30-2 | 7.110 0.503 |
128 | Maxdemonk Terry Chilvers | (0.300) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.300) -0.737 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
1.409 | 0.373 | 16-10-0 | 1.988 0.508 |
129 | Artvanderlay phil prosser | No tips for this round | 0.338 | 48-26-0 | 4.665 0.501 |
130 | Bazzi Barak Shohat | No tips for this round | 0.269 | 8-4-0 | -0.065 0.522 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
131 | Tom_petty Mad Hippie | No tips for this round | 0.243 | 8-5-0 | 0.833 0.525 |
132 | Ariadne Fiona Steele | No tips for this round | 0.157 | 8-5-0 | 0.932 0.529 |
133 | Fmalekzadeh Farhad Malekzadeh | (0.700) -0.737 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.300) -0.737 |
(0.900) 0.848 |
0.964 | 0.082 | 48-29-0 | 7.125 0.502 |
134 | Speedyjan Jan Morton | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Ian ian draper | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 24-0-24 | 0.000 0.511 |
134 | Blacklight Tristan Brunsdon | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Jjim james christie | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 24-0-24 | 0.000 0.511 |
134 | Battlestar Jason Belt | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Peters Peter Stranack | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 48-0-48 | 0.000 0.505 |
134 | Alison alison draper | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 24-0-24 | 0.000 0.511 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
134 | Browny DWAYNE BROWN | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 24-0-24 | 0.000 0.511 |
134 | Markfinnigan mark Finnigan | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Dragon_teh TEH CHI FONG | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Bigpete PETE A WATLER | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 40-0-40 | 0.000 0.506 |
134 | Vampire3 tony etherden | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 24-0-24 | 0.000 0.511 |
134 | Roland Roland Huber | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Martin Natasha Milenkovska | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Fencesitter AutoTipper | (0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
0.000 | 0.000 | 72-0-72 | 0.000 0.504 |
134 | Ootta matthew breen | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Davcam67 David Campbell | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 24-0-24 | 0.000 0.511 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
134 | Chocko john m williams | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 16-0-16 | 0.000 0.516 |
134 | Ausphil Phil Gram | (0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
0.000 | 0.000 | 55-0-55 | 0.000 0.505 |
134 | Starr Kristen. A. Carr | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Tokenangel Brett Hammond | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Godogs miranda corner | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 8-0-8 | 0.000 0.535 |
134 | Jesf Jay Greenberg | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 24-0-24 | 0.000 0.511 |
134 | Nan agnes christie | No tips for this round | 0.000 | 24-0-24 | 0.000 0.511 |
158 | Cj Charmaine | No tips for this round | -0.044 | 23-14-0 | 0.994 0.512 |
159 | Superrower Simon D. Spriggs | No tips for this round | -0.075 | 8-5-0 | 1.585 0.535 |
160 | Chaz18 Charmaine Jasper | No tips for this round | -0.141 | 7-4-0 | 0.246 0.547 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
161 | Navy_blues Damon Welsford | No tips for this round | -0.188 | 8-3-3 | 0.851 0.537 |
162 | Skywalker74 Andrew Munns | (0.600) -0.322 |
(0.750) 0.585 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.800) -1.322 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.475) -0.074 |
0.972 | -0.237 | 72-44-0 | 14.990 0.493 |
163 | Tammy Tammy Loughlin | No tips for this round | -0.381 | 8-1-5 | 0.807 0.553 |
164 | A2 Dale Rankin | (0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.150) 0.766 |
(0.750) -1.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.885) 0.824 |
0.589 | -0.448 | 72-18-47 | 6.634 0.498 |
165 | Richo David Tyler | No tips for this round | -0.598 | 32-20-0 | 5.938 0.506 |
166 | 80912 Mark Huybers | No tips for this round | -0.779 | 24-14-0 | 4.114 0.516 |
167 | Duffelcoat Kath Kay | No tips for this round | -0.892 | 38-18-1 | 2.412 0.515 |
168 | Dino77 DEAN SANTORO | (0.600) -0.322 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
-0.966 | -0.966 | 55-0-52 | 1.053 0.511 |
169 | Ad adam duritz | No tips for this round | -1.027 | 8-5-0 | 2.168 0.569 |
170 | Pfc1977 Brendan Carr | No tips for this round | -1.037 | 16-9-2 | 2.029 0.524 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
171 | Belial Michael Gibson | No tips for this round | -1.094 | 16-9-1 | 1.677 0.534 |
172 | Afl_sux Dean Gorman | No tips for this round | -1.228 | 8-5-0 | 2.291 0.580 |
173 | Jenko Mark Jenkins | No tips for this round | -1.318 | 48-25-6 | 8.134 0.507 |
174 | Adamduritz adam duritz | No tips for this round | -1.343 | 8-3-3 | 2.303 0.581 |
175 | Truck Anthony J Carr | No tips for this round | -1.381 | 3-1-0 | 2.056 0.765 |
176 | Kaapstad errol manter | (No Tip) 0.000 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.300) 0.485 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.300) -0.737 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.300) -0.737 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
-0.269 | -1.637 | 68-30-13 | 3.811 0.511 |
177 | Hometeam AutoTipper | (0.455) 0.126 |
(0.455) -0.138 |
(0.455) 0.126 |
(0.455) 0.126 |
(0.455) -0.138 |
(0.455) -0.138 |
(0.455) -0.138 |
(0.455) -0.138 |
-0.311 | -1.659 | 72-26-16 | 2.737 0.511 |
178 | Mattdayank Matthew Hubbard | No tips for this round | -1.780 | 16-5-5 | 4.299 0.547 |
179 | Stormcaller David Woodruff | No tips for this round | -1.795 | 8-3-1 | 2.421 0.597 |
180 | Oddsball3 John van der Touw | No tips for this round | -2.110 | 30-15-2 | 5.158 0.527 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
181 | Redbook LORNA MANTER | (No Tip) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
0.000 | -2.174 | 44-20-14 | 5.641 0.516 |
182 | Devillad Bruce | (0.500) 0.000 |
(0.300) -0.737 |
(0.150) 0.766 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.490) -0.029 |
(0.250) -1.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
-1.059 | -2.216 | 72-33-13 | 10.766 0.508 |
183 | Hkgent Sam Hui | No tips for this round | -2.220 | 8-6-1 | 7.676 0.426 |
184 | Slipperyswan Dean Gorman | No tips for this round | -2.273 | 24-17-0 | 8.074 0.511 |
185 | Goalsrus Tim Connellan | No tips for this round | -2.459 | 24-12-0 | 7.349 0.541 |
186 | Plheb_2_the_1 Paul L. Hebrard | (0.200) 0.678 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.300) -0.737 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
1.794 | -2.781 | 48-32-0 | 10.590 0.477 |
187 | Baby_faced_assassin George Skoufis | (0.100) 0.848 |
(0.900) 0.848 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.700) -0.737 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.900) 0.848 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
2.912 | -3.096 | 72-32-26 | 19.607 0.485 |
188 | Lara Lara Kornienko | (0.600) -0.322 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.400) 0.263 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
1.402 | -3.131 | 56-25-6 | 8.263 0.522 |
189 | Mrbrain Brian L. Galebach | No tips for this round | -3.168 | 8-3-0 | 4.015 0.643 |
190 | Jc John Campbell | (0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.850) -1.737 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.850) 0.766 |
-0.971 | -3.217 | 72-12-51 | 8.176 0.516 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
191 | Footy21c Danielle Marsh | (0.612) -0.366 |
(0.609) 0.285 |
(0.378) 0.315 |
(0.710) -0.786 |
(0.545) 0.124 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.600) 0.263 |
(0.876) 0.809 |
0.907 | -3.302 | 72-36-1 | 10.792 0.519 |
192 | 21cfooty Danielle Marsh | No tips for this round | -3.621 | 24-7-3 | 5.149 0.559 |
193 | Shaundb Shaun Bates | No tips for this round | -3.830 | 40-21-0 | 8.460 0.529 |
194 | Emo Emily Harris | No tips for this round | -3.838 | 16-9-0 | 6.733 0.577 |
195 | Raw Richard Wallbrink | No tips for this round | -5.061 | 8-1-0 | 6.077 0.711 |
196 | Madman Anthony Mattossovich | No tips for this round | -5.469 | 24-11-1 | 10.485 0.559 |
197 | Deanjaye Dean Jaye | No tips for this round | -5.969 | 15-8-2 | 9.535 0.511 |
198 | Tipster Dane Cumming | (0.200) 0.678 |
(0.800) 0.678 |
(0.200) 0.678 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.400) -0.322 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.300) -0.737 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
1.624 | -6.020 | 40-24-0 | 14.582 0.504 |
199 | Tipstar1 Gregory Davey | No tips for this round | -6.040 | 39-22-4 | 16.454 0.503 |
200 | Spectre Ryan M. Baird | (0.580) -0.252 |
(0.590) 0.239 |
(0.540) -0.120 |
(0.550) -0.152 |
(0.640) 0.356 |
(0.550) 0.138 |
(0.380) -0.396 |
(0.580) 0.214 |
0.027 | -6.113 | 72-41-3 | 12.126 0.514 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
201 | Cosi David Cosgrove | No tips for this round | -6.201 | 48-25-6 | 17.410 0.502 |
202 | Spod Rod Johnson | (0.334) 0.414 |
(0.666) 0.414 |
(0.001) 0.999 |
(0.666) -0.582 |
(0.999) 0.999 |
(0.999) 0.999 |
(0.334) -0.582 |
(0.666) 0.414 |
3.072 | -6.846 | 72-50-0 | 24.493 0.469 |
203 | Dramaticpause Martin Schmidt | No tips for this round | -7.440 | 8-0-3 | 9.036 0.761 |
204 | Turboman david oldaker | No tips for this round | -7.902 | 32-19-0 | 20.844 0.542 |
205 | Cambo Damian Campbell | No tips for this round | -8.039 | 56-31-0 | 21.466 0.513 |
206 | Bomber999 Anthony Johnson | No tips for this round | -8.219 | 8-4-0 | 10.296 0.607 |
207 | Schmidty Johan Schmidt | No tips for this round | -9.066 | 8-3-0 | 13.314 0.763 |
208 | Dramatic_pause Martin Schmidt | No tips for this round | -9.611 | 24-8-1 | 13.133 0.614 |
209 | Bobbydazzler Jason Kohlmorgen | (0.800) -1.322 |
(0.700) 0.485 |
(0.001) 0.999 |
(0.600) -0.322 |
(0.999) 0.999 |
(0.650) 0.379 |
(0.760) 0.604 |
(0.999) 0.999 |
2.820 | -10.269 | 16-8-0 | 16.266 0.593 |
210 | Eliesar Erwin Liesar | No tips for this round | -10.387 | 16-3-2 | 12.914 0.683 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration | ||
211 | Mel Melissa Smith | No tips for this round | -11.055 | 32-13-1 | 17.239 0.555 |
212 | Mel2 Melissa Smith | No tips for this round | -11.255 | 24-10-0 | 15.735 0.569 |
213 | Swampa Steve Collis | (0.001) 0.999 |
(0.999) 0.999 |
(0.001) 0.999 |
(0.999) -8.966 |
(0.999) 0.999 |
(0.999) 0.999 |
(0.001) -8.966 |
(0.999) 0.999 |
-11.940 | -11.979 | 32-23-1 | 30.195 0.457 |
214 | Drateh Chi Fong Teh | No tips for this round | -12.657 | 8-2-0 | 15.281 0.733 |
215 | Rickamp Rick Atkinson | No tips for this round | -17.721 | 55-32-0 | 35.711 0.537 |
216 | Greenbottle robert john shaw | (0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
(0.500) 0.000 |
0.000 | -20.068 | 56-9-34 | 24.941 0.544 |
217 | Morpheus Tim Marshall | No tips for this round | -22.579 | 48-20-16 | 40.563 0.541 |
218 | Morpheu tim marshall | No tips for this round | -24.277 | 16-4-7 | 32.550 0.666 |
219 | Gmcum gavin cumming | No tips for this round | -31.869 | 8-4-0 | 39.778 0.755 |
220 | The_d_man Daniel Orr | (0.001) 0.999 |
(0.001) -8.966 |
(0.001) 0.999 |
(0.001) 0.999 |
(0.001) -8.966 |
(0.001) -8.966 |
(0.001) -8.966 |
(0.001) -8.966 |
-41.833 | -76.707 | 56-31-1 | 105.324 0.612 |
Kangaroos Carlton | Collingwood St_Kilda | W_Coast W_Bulldogs | Brisbane Adelaide | Essendon Hawthorn | P_Adelaide Melbourne | Geelong Richmond | Sydney Fremantle | This Round | TOTAL | T-W-D | Boldness Calibration |
© 1997-2001
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering,
Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University. Web site designed and developed by Torsten Seemann and David Powell. Please direct queries to Torsten at footy@csse.monash.edu.au. Content Rating |